Monday, 17 June 2013

Travel toiletries

So Amelia and I (Monica) have put together a CRAZY long list of travel toiletries... not saying that we'll have all of these, but it's nice to put it all in one place and everyone can keep track of what they want for themselves. This is massive so start prepping now, people...

Hair Products
-Hair Mousse
-Sea Salt Spray
-Detangler Spray
-Heat Protectant


-Bobby Pins
-Flat Iron

Skin Products
-Blemish Cream

-Lip Chap

-Makeup Wipes
-Make-up Remover
-Make-up Bag

Dental Products

-Dental Floss

Eye Products

-Contact Solution

-Tide to Go
-Wrinkle Spray
-Eyelash Curler
-Eyebrow Brush

-Nail Clipper
-Nail Polish
-Nail Polish Remover

-Body Spray
-Baby Powder
-Feminine Products
-Compact Mirror
-Body Wash
-Hand Sanitizer

Sunday, 9 June 2013


Everyone knows I'm the one who posts the most on this blog. I know what you're thinking, people. 

"Yeah, you post too often Monica. Relax."

My dog is so cute.

On my time off I am ALWAYS thinking of this trip. Thus I always have things to say, and tips for my fellow wanderers and/or blog followers and travelers. So I'm going to tell you my rough ideas for my personal essentials for packing for 3 weeks AND how I plan on getting it in one little carry-on.

(I still don't really know how I'm going to accomplish this.)

First of all, they say that rolling (weird, I know) as opposed to folding clothing saves a lot of space and makes clothing less likely to wrinkle.

Start with shoes, and stuff those with socks or underwear, or bathing suit to keep shape of the shoes AND save space. Now that's savvy. Pack the shoes heel to toe at the foundation of the suitcase. Fill gaps at the bottom layer with bras, underwear, swimwear, tights, small clothing garments. Make an even layer.

And follow that with the bulkier items (jeans, shirts, dresses, skirts, pants). Below is an excellent video of HOW TO PACK LIGHT.

I'm thinking at least:
5 dresses
7 tops
5 shorts
5 skirts
2 pants
1 jacket
1 hoodie

Is that too much? Too little? I have no clue! Someone advise me.
Honestly, I have to make an update after I practice (yes, that's right, practice) packing my stuff into my suitcase.

In other news, I bought my main travel shoes! 

This is my attempt of the day at modern art.
It totally almost put me out of house and home to buy these. But the sport check guy was so convincing! My only concern with these is how can I rock skirts and dresses with them? I don't know. I'm not a supermodel so it will be a challenge. At least they make my feet look smaller than they are!

I have very few more things to do in preparation for the trip! And the list gets smaller everyday, along with the countdown;)


Wednesday, 5 June 2013

This will be some kind of crazy adventure

60 days, people! 60 days and only a few little hours until our fairytale begins. I know it's going to be like nothing ever before. This will be some kind of crazy adventure with you all. 

I may be at work but this is where my brain is.
Can we just throw some confetti in the air and put on some music and all celebrate together?? I think that's what we should be doing. We should all be together already and just throwing a big going away party for ourselves. Life couldn't really get any better!! This will be the perfect summer. It's time to throw away inhibitions and just bask in the world.
After 40 hours of work in these past 5 days it just keeps me looking forward to every day. It's just that little thing in the back of my mind that brightens every moment. It's all leading to THIS. Yup, I'm going with YOU GUYS. I couldn't have made it happen without the three of you.  We were born to travel together. 

We're leaving the 8 months of snow and the ice behind...

That's what's so perfect. And it just makes me want to blast certain songs on repeat and lie in the sun and be happy. (That's totally what I'm doing right now.)

Except I have to go to work. 


Saturday, 1 June 2013

salut les amis!

Hello there friends! ^_^

My name is Madeline and I'm your friendly neighbourhood Smurf. I just have to say to my fellow wanderers, this is a pretty neat blog you've got going here, and I am so stoked to be a part of it and a part of this trip! Thanks for all the organizing, planning, sweat, tears, and whatever else went into making the Europe trip a reality. Also thanks to anyone who views or has viewed this blog (whoa, you exist?!)

Lastly, at the risk of looking like a desperado, I guess I'm having a helluva time trying to raise enough money to not be a hobo once we get there. I already have a job (that's the baffling part), so if anyone has any get-richer-quick ideas (besides selling parts of myself) any input would help and be greatly appreciated! One love.

Madeline out.